Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving is here!! This year I have so many things to be thankful for...for me the thing that I am most thankful for is my wonderful husband. He has endless faith in me. So when I told him my crazy plan to stay at home with the boys, instead of saying your crazy!!! NO WAY!! He went with it! And even when our plan didn't quite work out like I had planned, he didn't even complain he just said we will figure it out... and then he did! Staying home with the boys is probably the best gift he has ever given me, I am loving it! Even thou we don't get to see him as much as we would like, staying home is working out really well for us. The boys are happier, and so are Wes and I, it was the best decision we have ever made.
Our house is smelling so wonderful tonight! I have lots of sweet treats baking tonight for our dinner with my mom's side of the family tomorrow! This year we will be going to my Granny Ree's house and to Wesley's mom's house on Sunday for another Thanksgiving celebration. So that means lots, and LOTS of great food to eat!! We are very blessed in our family with some very wonderful cooks, over eating is a huge problem when we get together! Which can be a good thing sometimes.
So in honor of Thanksgiving what are you most thankful for this year??? Here is my top 10 list....
1. Wesley~his love, support, endless faith, strength, & kindness

2. Brody & Marak~ their love for us and each other, sweetness, stubborn, onry, & kindness. For their timing, they came when I needed them most and didn't even know it.

3. My family~immediate, distant, and even in-laws!

4. My courageous mother~ her strength, faith, wisdom, dependability, love, & her ability to move mountains with her prayers.

5. Blessings~ For all of the unexpected ones we have received.

6. Acceptance~ The ability to accept things I have no control over and the strength to move past.

7. 25 years~ The time I had getting to know one of the most wonderful men on the grandfather.

8. 2 in 2~ having 2 boys in 2 years

9. Chocolate- It's just a daily necessity

10.Timeouts!~ Like Chocolate it is a daily necessity with a 2 year old and a 1 year old. :)

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!

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